About Macin Smith
Macin Darrin Smith was reported missing on Tuesday, September 1st, 2015 in St. George, Utah, United States. He was 17 years old at the time of his disappearance. Macin is pronounced /may·sn/. He’s a 6’4″ caucasian male, weighing 200lbs, born on April 7, 1998. He has blue eyes, blond or light brown hair, and wears size 14 shoes. Macin was born in American Fork, Utah, and has lived in Alberta Canada, and St. George, Utah. He is a fan of anime cartoons and music. Macin bites his fingernails down to the quick. He was raised in a Mormon (LDS) household. If you’ve seen Macin Smith please call the St. George Police Dept. (435) 627-4300. There are literally tens of thousands of people all over the world hoping and praying that Macin is safe. If you have any information about this case please let us know info@macinsmith.com Thank you.
The story of Macin Smith's disappearance was featured on Investigation Discovery's Disappeared; The Silent Son (Season 8, Episode 2)
Age Progressed 5 Yrs
Age Progressed
Shows how Macin may look today with surgical mask.
- (435) 627-4300 St. George Police
Disappeared audio portion Macin Smith Story Click Here
Macin Smith’s Uncle Shares New Insights Click Here
Macin Smith father: Who is Darrin Smith? Click Here
Is Macin Smith Still Missing? Click Here
Family Pays Tribute to Macin Smith Click Here
What’s the Real Story? Podcast Ep 36: Click Here
The Cinemaholic Click Here
Conversations with Cookie: The Disappearance of Macin Smith Click Here
Dining with Death: The Disappearance of Macin Smith Click Here
Darkmatter Runaway or Foul Play? Click Here
Finding Macin Smith Blog Click Here
Macin Smith Case Instagram Updates Click Here
Macin Smith Case Facebook Updates Click Here
Macin Smith Twitter Updates Click Here
Macin Smith Note in Question Click Here
Deseret News Article Click Here
KSL News Radio Click Here
Stories of the Unsolved Click Here
And Then They Were Gone Click Here
ABC4 Click Here
Macin Smith Reddit Click Here
The FBI Has Joined The Chat Click Here
Missing in Utah: Where’s Macin Smith Click Here
The Charley Project Click Here
Gephardt Daily Click Here
Unresolved Mysteries Click Here
Where Are They? Podcast: Macin Smith Click Here
Utah Dept of Public Safety Click Here
Deseret News Article 2018 Click Here
The Spectrum Click Here
Still No Sign of Macin Click Here
Kendall Rae Click Here
Certified Roarikle Blog: Macin Darrin Smith Case Click Here
My Psychic Life Click Here
Danelle Hallan Click Here
Dazee Mae Click Here
ABC4.com Click Here
Tiffany Renee Click Here
Michelle Smith Click Here
Investigation Discovery UK Click Here
Utah’s CW30 Click Here
David Forbes Click Here
Brin Click Here
Tracey K Smith (Macin’s Mom) Click Here
Colie Tyler – Covers True Crime Click Here
Controllers and Couches Click Here
Todd and Erin Collard Click Here
KTNV Channel 13 Las Vegas Click Here
Macin You’d Be 22 Click Here
KCSG Television Click Here
ABC4Utah Click Here
Brin – Who Told You Click Here
The Armchair Detective Podcast Click Here
YoshionTheGo Click Here
Utah Center For Missing Children Click Here
Bench Dedication Click Here
Mom Addresses Questions Click Here
Tips About Note Click Here
Possible Sighting Click Here
Bring Macin Smith Home Click Here
Dateline’s Missing in America Click Here
KDXU Radio Click Here
MacinSmith.com Click Here
Recent Sightings? Click Here
Telemundo Utah (Spanish) Click Here
Bench Memorial Video Click Here
St George News Click Here
Photos of Macin Darrin Smith
More Photos of Macin Darrin Smith
Missing Persons Statistics
- Utah has 107 missing person cases per year.
- There are 3.4 missing persons cases per 11,000 residents.
- The majority of missing persons cases are resolved.
- The number of missing persons cases has dropped dramatically over the last 15 years.
- In 1990 sixty-two percent of missing children were recovered.
- By 2011 ninety-seven percent of missing children were recovered.
- Sixty percent of missing persons are males.
- Ninety-four percent of missing children are found within seventy-two hours.
- Most missing persons are found within 2 ½ miles from their home.
- There are more than 40,000 unidentified remains in the United States alone.
- 4,400 unidentified bodies are recovered each year.
- 2.8 million children run away each year.
- More than 75% of runaways are female.
- Forty-nine percent of teen runaways left due to physical abuse.
Critique of the Help Find Macin Smith Facebook Group
“Help Find Macin Smith #macinsarmy” on Facebook is a family run public group with over 51,000 members from 104 countries created on September 7, 2015. The name of the group was changed on July 17, 2018. According to a family member it was started five years ago to keep the family up to date on searches, and information on Macin. The group is almost entirely void of updates or sightings about Macin Darrin Smith. The About link leads to the hashtags #MacinsArmy #HelpFindMacinSmith. Somehow it morphed into a generic missing person’s group where members can share information about unrelated missing person cases. Moderators are Kaitlyn Wilson, Keith Bratt, and Jolyne Bowden Gailey. Comments about the possibility that Macin was murdered or that the family had anything to do with Macin’s disappearance are not allowed. Should you provide an aged-progressed photo of Macin for example, moderators will likely not allow it to be posted. If the photo you provide the moderator has a beard for example, you will likely be told that men of the family have always had difficulty growing facial hair. Nevermind there are several photos of Macin’s Dad online with various degrees of facial hair growth. If you ask for Macin’s online gaming handle, you will likely be told that it’s being monitored. It’s reasons such as these that the “Help Find Macin Smith #macinsarmy Facebook group is rather disappointing. Some have speculated that the family is not looking for Macin. Update: We are blocked.
Review of Macins Army & Friends Twitter Account
Macins Army & Friends @MacinsArmy Twitter Account was started in February 2017. This account is moderated by Mickey Van Deren Founder of Chicago Missing, Cold Cases, and Unsolved. It’s used mostly to retweet generic missing persons cases like a similar account @LtGovMickey . Every once in awhile, there appears a tweet mentioning Macin Smith, but don’t hold your breath. There was no mention of Macin for 35-days (May 1, 2021 to June 5, 2021). At the time of this review the account has 713 followers and is following 930 accounts. Two hashtags appear in the profile #BringMacinHome and #MacinsArmy . A photo of a young Macin appears in the profile and the header photo shows a picture of the dedication bench. There’s very little activity and not much for people interested in helping find Macin Smith. On the bright side, messages to the admin are answered immediately. A pinned post reads “left for school, never arrived” but there’s no evidence to indicate Macin ever left for school. In fact, Macin’s school binder was reportedly found in his bedroom. Update: We are blocked. See photo below. Update: “& Friends” has been dropped from the title. Two additional hashtags have been added #MacinSmith and #LetsFindMacin. A photo of a fruit basket was posted on November 25th, 2021. Don’t believe it? Go look for yourself. We couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried. Update: There was no mention of Macin for 70-days (December 28, 2021 to March 7, 2022).

What We Know About the Note
The family refuses to release the contents of the note which was allegedly found 6-days after Macin went missing. It was written on notebook paper, folded inside Macin’s Wallet in his locked bedroom. It was written by hand. Police have possession of it. Since the note has not been released, we can only speculate on the importance of the note. Is it a suicide letter? Probably not. Most suicide victims would leave a note in plain sight. From various published interviews we can gleam certain knowledge of the contents. Both parents were berated by Macin according to police sources. It contained the words, “I’m done” which according to Macin’s mother Tracey Bratt-Smith is an ominous indication he intended to hurt himself. Both parents were mentioned in said note. The note eluded to an argument that took place the night before Macin went missing. This is an interesting development, because Tracey Bratt-Smith in an interview stated no argument took place that night. Apparently, Macin felt things were missing in his life and he wished they were different according to his mother. It described a decline that had happened over the previous five-years of Macin’s life from the time he was twelve-years-old. He felt hurt and broken. After reading the note, some concluded that Macin was a shy, socially awkward kid, who was bullied at school.
Macin Darrin Smith Timeline
April 7, 1998 Birth of Macin Darrin Smith in American Fork, Utah
2011 Macin attends Foothills Composite High School Alberta, Canada
December 2013 Macin’s mother claims Macin ran-away for two hours in freezing cold weather while living in Canada after Macin’s father confiscated his son’s Xbox. Macin reportedly packed a backpack, sleeping bag, food, and resumes.
May 30, 2014 Macin is hired at Walmart Alberta, Canada
September 2014 Macin’s mother claims Macin was hospitalized for one-week for having suicidal thoughts and tendencies.
December 22, 2014 Macin stops working at Walmart, Alberta, Canada
April 2015 The Smith’s (Macin, mother, and father) move to St. George Utah from Alberta, Canada
April 2015 Macin’s father leaves to work out-of-town
July 2015 Macin attends summer school at Desert Hills High School
August 19, 2015 School year begins. Macin attends Desert Hills High School
August 29, 2015 Father returns after working out-of-town for spring and summer
August 31, 2015 Macin texts mother; “This good enough grades to watch anime? Attaches photo of report card; A- Language Arts, A Basic Academic Skills, A Biology, A Choir Concert, A US History II, A College Prep Math”
August 31, 2015 Macin’s mother replies; “Wow!! Looking good Macin, have dad take you driving first.”
August 31, 2015 Macin’s mother claims Macin cancels driving with his father complaining of a headache
8:30pm August 31, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she came home from work and finds Macin in bed with the lights off. She sits at the foot of the bed and asks Macin, “What’s going on?” Macin replies, “I just don’t feel very well.” She kissed him on the head and said, “I hope you feel better.”
10pm August 31, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she unplugged the internet.
12:30am September 1, 2015 Macin’s mother later claims Macin deleted his search history at this time.
1:30am September 1, 2015 Macin’s mother claims Macin’s father awoke to find Macin watching anime. Macin’s father says, “Give me your laptop. I’m going to confiscate your phone too.” Macin’s mother claims Macin complied without any argument. Macin’s father also claims there was no argument.
7:00am September 1, 2015 Macin’s mother claims Macin’s father knocked on Macin’s door and asks, “Macin are you up?” Macin answered, “Yep.” Afterwards Macin’s father returned to bed.
7:30am September 1, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she hears Macin “rifling around” in the kitchen.
7:40am September 1, 2015 Macin’s parents both hear Macin open and close the garage door (2 min walk to bus stop around corner)
September 1, 2015 Macin’s father claims he went into Macin’s room and confiscated Macin’s laptop power cord to see what Macin had been looking at online.
7:41am September 1, 2015 School bus leaves Macin is not on it.
7:45am September 1, 2015 Macin’s father checked-in at Vasa Fitness
September 1, 2015 Macin’s father claims after returning from Vasa Fitness he spent most of the day working in the backyard.
3:15pm September 1, 2015 Neighbor Sandi Lyman sees Macin walking past her house away from his home.
3:15pm September 1, 2015 School bus arrives without Macin.
September 1, 2015 Macin’s mother claims Macin’s father texted her at work informing her Macin didn’t come home.
September 1, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she received an email at work from Desert Hills High School stating Macin was absent for the day.
September 1, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she left work early and went home.
September 1, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she found the door to Macin’s room locked. The parents picked the lock and found nothing unusual inside.
September 1, 2015 Macin’s mother claims they called the youth group to see if Macin was there.
Shortly After 10pm September 1, 2015 Macin’s parents file a Missing Juvenile Report
September 1, 2015 Macin’s mother claims a Sherriff arrives and agrees to patrol the area looking for Macin.
September 2, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she drove to Desert Hills High School to pay for Macin’s senior class cap, gown, and tassel.
September 2, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she discovered Macin’s school notebook in his room with his backpack hidden under a shirt.
September 2, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she discovered Macin’s wallet in his nightstand. In a bottom drawer in the back. His cash and school identification are inside.
September 2, 2015 Macin’s mother reached out to Macin’s five siblings to inform them of Macin’s disappearance.
September 3, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she contacted the bus garage and children at Bus Stop to see if Macin had gotten on the School Bus.
September 3, 2015 Macin’s mother claims she reached out to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
September 4, 2015 Macin’s brothers and sisters join the search putting up flyers and canvassing the neighborhood.
September 5, 2015 Witnesses saw a hitchhiker matching Macin’s description 5-miles away near I-15 onramp with a sign that read “Las Vegas”
September 2015 Macin’s father drives to Las Vegas, Nevada to search for Macin.
September 2015 Macin’s uncle and Macin’s father search for Macin in Las Vegas, Nevada.
September 2015 Red Rock Search and Rescue search Las Vegas Strip
September 7, 2015 Macin’s Mother finds handwritten note in Macin’s wallet
September 16, 2015 Candle Light Vigil for Smith Family
September 17, 2015 Fundraiser for Tracey Smith by Jamey Parsley: Help Find Macin gofundme.com
September 26-27, 2015 First large-scale search by Red Rock Search and Rescue
February 7, 2016 $10,000 Reward Offered For Information Leading To Safe Return.
April 2, 2016 Red Rock Search and Rescue conducted a forensic search around St. George, Utah.
April 7, 2016 Parents Commemorate Macin’s 18th Birthday
May 24, 25, 2016 Desert Hills High School Graduation
December 2016 St. George Police find extensive amount of anime and searches for anime pornography on Macin’s laptop.
March 2017 St. George Police place a GPS tracker on Macin’s father’s pickup truck to monitor his movements.
June 21, 2017 St. George Police wrote in an affidavit about Macin’s parents: “Tracey and Darrin know more information surrounding Macin’s disappearance then they have disclosed.”
May 2018 Macin’s parents divorce after 30 years of marriage
January 21, 2019 Macin Smith bench dedication ceremony
May 22, 2019 Jay McFarland Macin’s uncle reportedly writes in an opinion piece via KSL Newsradio “Later, a note written by Macin was discovered in his wallet in his room by his parents, which described the argument that night, a desire by Macin of self-harm Macin and a wish to leave.”
May 27, 2021 It is reported on ABC4 Utah by Marcos Ortiz that Macin’s mother now believes Macin is dead.
Questions a Grand Jury Must Answer
- When Macin told his mother he wasn’t feeling well, why didn’t she do more to comfort him?
- Why would parents of a child with a history of severe depression leading to hospitalization take away a cell phone, laptop, and internet access knowing his grades were brought back up?
- Would a mental health therapist with a Bachelor degree in Behavioral Sciences not know confiscating a teenager’s cellphone would be like taking away a teen’s identity?
- What percentage of parents at Desert Hills High School paid for their son’s or daughter’s 2016 graduation cap, gown and tassel by September 2nd (266-days in advance)?
- Why does the brother-in-law’s public statement (Jay Mcfarland May 22, 2019 KSL Radio 102.7FM) about an “argument that night” between Macin and his parents seem to contradict the mothers account?
- Why choose to call the most recent search “The Final Search”?
- Why put the date Macin went missing on the “dedication” bench as if a date of death (04-07-1998 09-01-2015)?
- Why has the family refused to release the contents of the note if it doesn’t implicate them and may offer clues to searchers looking for Macin?
- Why did it take 6 days (Sept 7) as reported to find the handwritten letter folded in Macin’s wallet?
- Why does Macin’s mother consider the words, “I’m done” to mean “I’m going to hurt myself” or “I’m going to commit suicide” and not “I’m outta here”?
- Why didn’t the mother join her husband to search for Macin in Las Vegas?
- Did Darrin’s brother (Joey Mcfarland Smith aka Jay Mcfarland) travel with Darrin to Las Vegas to search for Macin or did he meet Darrin in Las Vegas?
- Why did Tracey say Macin’s room was locked when she came home from work early on September 1st, 2015 if Darrin claims he went into Macin’s room earlier and confiscated Macin’s laptop power cord to see what Macin was looking at online?
- What leads Macin’s father to believe his son committed suicide when no remains have ever been located?
- Why allow the “Help Find Macin Smith” Facebook group to morph into a generic missing persons group instead of focusing solely on finding Macin?
- Did Macin really go missing on the morning of Sept 1, 2015 or did he instead go missing on Aug 31, 2015 as some suspect?
- Did the parents pass the polygraph tests as they themselves reported?
- Could one of the parents have activated the garage door with a remote making it sound like Macin had opened and closed the garage door the morning Macin reportedly left?
- Did Macin ever skip school in the past?
- All indications seem to point to Darrin Smith being an overbearing father so why deny it so vehemently?
- What was the exact time Darrin texted Tracy stating Macin didn’t come home from school?
- What was the exact time Tracey received the email from Foothills Composite High School stating Macin was absent September 1st?
- Did Darrin’s “yardwork” the day Macin reportedly went missing include digging?
- Why did Macin’s mother find it “humorous” when Macin made-up reasons to avoid scouting, driving lessons, and other father son activities?
- Was the Virgin River, Sand Hollow State Park, and Quail Creek State Park (Nearest bodies of water) searched in 2015?
- Did infidelity, physical abuse, or substance abuse play a role in the eventual divorce of Macin’s parents?
- Does either parent have a history of domestic abuse?
- When Darrin left to Las Vegas to look for Macin did Tracey look inside Darrin’s 2006 Toyota Tundra Double Cab truck?
- When Darrin was searching for Macin in Las Vegas did he attend Sabakon Anime Convention at Alexis Park Resort?
- Where did Darrin stay while searching for Macin in Las Vegas?
- Where did Darrin’s brother (Joey Mcfarland Smith aka Jay Mcfarland) stay while searching for Macin in Las Vegas?
- What date was the Word doc created that was later found on Macin’s laptop where he expressed an interest in trying to hurt himself?
- Why did Darrin appear to make conflicting statements about hearing Macin leave for school?
Review of ID Channel's Macin Smith Story
Investigation Discovery’s DISAPPEARED; The Silent Son (Season 8 Episode 2) This is the mysterious story of missing teen Macin Darrin Smith. He went missing on September 1st 2015 in Saint George, Utah. There are a lot of inconsistencies in the parent’s description of what happened. “The most mystifying twist in the case” a note was found in the teens wallet six days after initially discovering the wallet. The father’s timeline has been called into question. Police seem to suspect one or more of the parents are involved in some way. Both parents appear to have been less than forthcoming. What is presented is a picturesque family environment with some questionable parenting and a 30-year marriage that was headed for the rocks. This episode alone is worth the price of the entire season. UPDATE: You can listen to the audio portion Free online: Click Here